This function reads a 10X Genomics H5 file and returns a cell_data_set or CDS. Important notes: This is tested and should work for all single-genome and citeseq data sets. For multigenome data, as long as the features are all contained in the same matrix and identified by a composite reference/gene identifier, it should also work. In this case, the CDS will have to be filtered post-hoc using the sample_barcodes.csv data to get the appropriate species of cell. Also: this function takes in a specific H5 file from a unique biological sample. So it should be wrapped in another function to map across all the samples in a dataset. The wrapper needs to find the appropriate H5 file, e.g. filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 for files processed with cellranger count or sample_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5 for files processed using cellranger multi. This may change based on the cellranger version used.